Prizes Are Ready To Be Claimed

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 2539
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:51 am

Prizes Are Ready To Be Claimed

Post by Tom Kessenich » Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:17 pm

All prize winners can now claim their prizes for the NFBKC by going to the site below:

Don't be confused by this being an NFFC link. This is where you need to go for this year to claim your prizes. Once you claim your prize, you can have it sent to you by check or keep the money on account to use for future entries in any of our contests. Here are the instructions to claim your prize. If you have any questions contact me at [email protected].

The home page will feature a big CONGRATS! banner with a blue button underneath that says "Claim Your Winnings". Click on that blue button

You'll then go to the Prizes Page. There you will see another blue "Claim Prizes" button next to each league you won money in. Click each blue box, click on the Affidavit to agree to the payment terms and make sure your W9 Online is filled out. The W9 information did not transfer from STATS LLC, so please fill that out again. Once you've done that the information will stay on file going forward. But make sure you fill that out.

A Confirmation Page will follow to verify your winning prize total.

Finally, you'll see a Withdraw Funds page. There you can ask for some or all of your prize money to be paid via check. Just say how much you want in a check and verify the address that this is going to be sent to. If you won $7,000, it's easy to ask for all $7,000. Just type the total in the box. If you want $5,000 in a check and $2,000 on account, just type in $5,000 and a check will be sent to you. On your main page you'll see $2,000 in the upper right corner each time you log onto the site.

Congratulations again to all of our prize winners this season. :)
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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